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I'm currently writing two books for children with the working titles The Star Twins and Casper's Journey. I've been working on editing the Storyteller series, Empty Eyes, two new novels about time travel of a sort and a mythical creature as well as lots of poems and short stories. I have an instagram account and a active twitter account to connect with friends and fellow writers. I'm still working on coding and have just completed a new art gallery page for a friend.

A dear friend, Eileen Carney Hulme, had a new poetry book published this year - Somewhere a Tree waits for an Angel or a Butterfly - and I would like to mention one of her poems that has great meaning for me - Afterlife. When I was young, someone very dear to me died, but I've always felt their presence in my life. Eileen expresses that in such a beautiful way. Look for Eileen's poetry and her lovely pictures of the area of Scotland where she lives, at her website www.eileencarneyhulme.org.uk.

2018 was a happy time. I started submitting work to magazines and was surprised and delighted at their acceptance. I got to work with two great editors who were both helpful and encouraging. Throughout the year I was supported by some wonderful friends. There have been some difficulties along the way, but things have worked out.

2019 began with some great news. On New Year's Eve, I had a poem and short story published by a wonderful magazine. I was included in an important anthology and made quite a few contacts as a result. I was editing and writing and making plans and optimistic about the way my life was going.

2020 was a difficult year for everyone and the years afterwards have been unusual. I've spent time learning about computers and doing simple repairs, adding memory, updating systems and hard drives, as well as learning other new skills.

At the end of 2023 I collapsed with a clot on the right side of my brain, which caused a stroke, and my time has been taken up learning to speak, remember words, read and write, as well as trying to walking and doing fairly simple tasks. In 2024 a cellulitis infection interrupted that for a short time, but now I'm organising my site again, sorting and refining my work. It might take time, but I have patience.

Finally, I'd like to thank you for visiting my site. Please call in again soon.